My foundation for this blog is my quote: The man exists to be
an example of stability, trust , respect, honor an loyalty.
Being stable can have a lot of meanings, but i want to focus
on path of mans life. What I ment by being stable, is not that a man must be rich or
have a big house in wich is he stationary. Every person on this planet has a
goal, a path , a dream, on wich he or she works on. So by being stable mean
that in our case a man must have a goal ih his life that he want to achive. But
that's just a part of that meaning. To be stable and to have stability in life
means that you have positive values which you follow, especially if you are a gentleman.
I thik tahat is very importat that a true gantleman never disciminate, because
he is a rolmodel to younger ganeration.
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