Thursday, July 10, 2014


Most people understand trust as, telling some kind of secret to a good friend or someone else close to them. It's very important that we have someone in our life, that we can entrust him with our secret and personal issues. For a person to be trustworhy, he has to be reliable and honest. If a person is honest, he will automatically gain trust and respect from people around him.
A gentleman must be reliable and honest. As i said in the beginning, he isn't the one who only cares for himself, but for other people to. Trust is one of the most important values of the human being. If a man break trust bond or betray a secret, he automatically loses respect and honor. Gantleman can simply not exists without those values . Getting trust and respect back is nearly impossible or very difficult.

If you want to be a true gentleman, take entrusted information serious and respect people who trust you, because they will trust and respect you back. 

Facebook page: The Hustler's Mind

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